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"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-02-2021, 07:13 PM
Fern stares down the grizzly bear. Lips are pulled back, revealing her teeth as she growls menacingly at the beast. Uncertain if help is on the way, Fern prepares to fight the bear herself as she pins her ears back and narrows her eyes to try and limit any injuries to her face. She tries to appear bigger and more intimidating than she really is. Lunging forward slightly to snap at the air and attempt to throw the large beast off balance, Fern hears the sound of running paws. Just as she steps back to reset her stance, a streak of white and blacks and oranges barrels into the fray. Aqua eyes watch in amazement as the blurred form launches itself up and onto the bear’s back, latching its mouth around the grizzly’s neck.

Eyes stare at the newcomer with amazement as the dog thrashes its head around, ripping and tearing at the flesh of the grizzly’s neck. The surprise attack works as the bear roars its displeasure, attempting to buck lose the source of its pain. The creature pushes off the ground with its front legs, screaming out its anger and hurt to the world as it stands. As it moves, the stranger rips a chunk of flesh out the beast’s neck and nimbly leaps off the creatures back. Agile paws touch the ground as the colorful dog prances out of the raging bear’s reach.

The stunned wolf takes a moment to register that this stranger is a dog unlike any she has ever seen. He is running lazily around the grizzly, grinning the whole way. Her rescuer asks if she will be joining him, his happy tone at glaring odds with the stressful situation. Still, his cheery voice and cocky demeanor draw a smile from Fern as her eyes sparkle with mirth. Gray paws start moving, as she runs up next to the dog, easily matching his speed. Dodging a few errant paw swings, Fern jogs alongside the dog for a moment before saying, “Whoever lands the killing blow, gets to keep the pelt. Deal?”

Normally, Fern would have been guarded with such a large beast, opting to try and drive it away instead of kill it. However, this stranger has made it into a game and Fern intends to win. Flashing a smile toward the dog, Fern stops suddenly, allowing the dog to speed on ahead. The grizzly, uncertain of which one to pursue, pulls up short. With only one eye, the bear cannot keep track of them both. In its moment of uncertainty, Fern changes direction and charges straight toward the bear. A deep, rumbling growl emanates from the gray wolf as she rushes forward. The bear realizes its mistake and turns its full attention on her, roaring back in anger.

As the angry bear raises a massive paw to swing at Fern, the gray wolf ducks low and puts on an extra burst of speed, darting into its blind spot on the bear’s right side. Opening her mouth wide, Fern springs at the mad grizzly’s face. Teeth clamp down hard on the area where its right eye should be. A howl of agony and rage escapes the bear as it throws its head back, bring Fern completely off the ground. Planting her gray paws on its chest, Fern adjusts her jaw to grab as much meat of the bear’s face as possible. Suddenly, she pushes herself off of the bear, taking a large chunk of it face with her.

In the ensuring moments, when the creature’s flails about madly, Fern drops back down to her paws and dodges the grizzly’s uncoordinated attacks. Putting a safe distance between herself and the angry bear, Fern stops a moment to smile and spit the hunk of meat in her mouth to the side. Glaring at it in contempt, seems to drive bear into a frenzied madness. Fern’s eyes flash with glee as she shouts out to the dog, “I think we made it mad!” as she once more starts to run. Every muscle burns from overexertion as her still healing body is slowly sapping what little energy she has. Yet, Fern continues to run, intent on playing out this little game. As her energy begins to wane and Fern feels her legs starting slow, she tries to push away her body’s desire to stop and rest.

Instead, Fern forces her legs to move faster and faster, willing her flagging body to keep going.

Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.