
I knew I'd regret it if I tried to blend in and pretend


Memento Mori


Expert Intellectual (215)

Advanced Fighter (70)

6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipTreat 2019
12-02-2021, 09:55 PM (This post was last modified: 12-02-2021, 09:57 PM by Memento Mori. Edited 3 times in total.)
It had been far too long since Memento Mori last stepped foot in Auster. Within her mind the memories of her childhood, of the family that broke apart bit by bit, until she too left, shifted towards the surface. Did Meme feel guilty for choosing to leave? Of course. She missed how things had been when she was young, when she, despite having her biological father missing, had a family. Things were simpler then… and now, well, she wasn’t really sure what she was doing or where her final destination would be. She didn’t know if any of her family members still resided in Boreas or Auster but… if they did she could only hope that she would find them.

On the plus side, however, Meme was not alone. Beside her traveled her companion who, surprisingly, was not a wolf. The Black-Backed Jackal, a man who went by Jacques, was a unique fellow that had gifted the young woman with the blade of bone that she carried in a strap fastened to her front right leg. Jacques and Meme had grown close, almost like siblings now that they were together. Meme no longer felt lonely… and she was thankful for that.

Their pawsteps fell in sync with one another as the duo padded into the ancient forest. Meme scanned the area with her ghostly gaze and took note of the moss and strong scent in the air.  “This place…” Memento Mori mumbled. It seemed like something out of some tall tale, especially given the size of the oak trees that were scattered about. She felt dwarfed in comparison to them. Giving pause she turned her attention towards Jacques.

“We should be careful,” The femme told him. “Can’t shake the feeling that something is off…”

The jackal gave a small nod. “Alright… You know, now that you mention it... the smell of decay is actually overpowering… And damp. It probably rained recently…” He scanned the area with golden eyes. “Though not sure if that’s what is bothering you. You sure you’re alright, Mem? It’s been almost a full day since you slept.” The Jackal sat down and idly scratched behind one of his ears. “Why don’t we rest here awhile? I can wake you up if something happens.”

Memento Mori frowned but nodded all the same before padding to the base of one of the oaks and laid down. She curled into a ball and let out a yawn before setting her head on her paws. “Thanks…”
Unless ICly stated otherwise assume Memento Mori's companions, Jacques and Rein, are not with her.