



5 Years
Extra large
08-15-2013, 01:03 AM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2013, 01:03 AM by Taurig.)

Argent seemed like a very respectable woman to be a part of Glaciem. Certainly his father had seen something useful and worthy within this smaller silver woman in order to grant her a place within his pack borders. She appeared to be much more than the other women in the pack, a bit more valuable than the females Isardis was recruiting for the purpose of passing on his seed. Her mere physical appearance set her apart from the other females on its very own. Her physique very much resembled that of the females he was accustomed to being around back home. Tall, powerful, muscular, though not much muscle could be seen beneath her moonlit coat, but he was sure with time and the right amount of nutrition, she would fill out to her maximum capacity, to the warrior he could see hidden beneath her feminine curves.

Are you happy here? Her question caught him a little off guard. Happy? He was happy when he'd been living back home with his mother, but here in Glaciem with a father he barely knew? I think content would be the better choice. He offered, his answer rather vague, unable to fully divulge the fact that he didn't quite feel comfortable yet, knowing his father had only brought him along for his own selfish purpose, not because he wanted to form any kind of real connection with his distant son. Not that Taurig was in need of a father/son bond, but it would've been nicer to be a bit closer with his father, but he supposed that much too far-fetched. met Isardis when he saved my life, and I have been his Knight ever since. We were separated a while ago, but I am back at his side once more. Isardis had saved her life? That was a bit hard to believe from what he'd seen of his father, but perhaps there was more to him than could be seen on the surface. My father must be glad to have such a noble woman back at his side.

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