
Doodads and Thingies



5 Years
Extra large
08-15-2013, 01:35 AM

The woman had disappeared practically into thin air. Her scent led up into the unknown mass, a den like hole higher up the formation, but Taurig did not dare breach the border between the snow and the foreign formation. The surface of the large mass looked unsteady and he didn't trust to have full control over his limbs if he were to step upon the unknown surface. So he stayed in the relative safety of the snow, his icy blues dancing across the space where he thought the woman to have disappeared. Where on earth did she go? It didn't seem like there was anywhere to go on this thing, but then again there could be more things to it than it appeared to have on the surface. His warrior instincts warned him against pressing forward and he headed their warning, staying exactly where he was, waiting to see if the woman would reappear. And he didn't have to wait long.

He could hear a scrambling from somewhere inside the thing and a flash of what he thought to be fur. Could the woman be inside of the hulking thing? He waited patiently, gaze intent on the den-like thing, wondering if that's where the woman had gone off into. His patience was eventually rewarded as the smaller woman appeared from within the mouth of the beast, crawling out on her belly, lids shut tightly over her eyes, as if trying to make herself disappear. She moved towards him before suddenly shooting up to her paws, darting away only to stop and turn around, deciding to pad back towards him, grunting that the massive formation belonged to her. I wasn't planning on taking it ma'am. He assured her, taking a step or two, widening the gap between himself and the rogue woman, unsure of what her intentions were.

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