
Night Stalker


08-15-2013, 01:38 AM
The dark souled male turned at the scent and sound of another. Blue eyes sought out the red ones of the white one now before him. He stood calmly and held himself tall without faltering. Perked ears catching the words of the white one as they dripped from his tongue. His eyes narrowed just the slightest, interpreting the words of the white demon before him. He stared at him, searching, taking him apart mentally to see what kind of person this one was. The red of his eyes were something he hadn't seen before, rare though they were, easy they were to decipher still. His lips rose into the smallest of smiles, knowing that this may be the one he was seeking.

"An bhfuil t? ag magadh orm, pale amh?in?"(Do you mock me, pale one?) He replied in a cool and calm tone. He wondered if this one would understand him, it had been a while since he had spoken any english and so he would often use his own dialect. His english wasn't perfect, but it was also something he rarely used since he preferred to do things swiftly and silently where speech was not needed. After all, it wasn't like he was going to tell his victim that they were about to die. And the whores? well, they could care less for words and small talk. They were used for one purpose only, and that was to satisfy his needs.