
Red Wine and Moonlight

Lilulus ♡



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-04-2021, 08:03 PM
Lillith took too long to get to this place with Roman, from barely able to touch him to this. Sprawled over his form, perched upon him like she belonged there. She did belong here, she belonged with him. Roman was there with her as she grew into herself and grew out of her illness. He helped her on that journey he bolstered her confidence, he’d seen her at her lowest and highest and she didn’t want anyone else at her side. She hated the thought of what she would be doing right now if he hadn’t made it through his own illness. There was no other explanation than they were meant to be together, they had both overcome incredible odds and they were together now.

And neither of them could have been happier. Under the everdark moon with the auroras above them, Lilith wasn’t so sure getting to tonight wasn’t magic itself at work. Roman grinned as she questioned him lightly and he assured her that there wasn’t a single doubt in his mind that she was the most beautiful wolf. No question at all. Lillith's grin widened and her cheeks flushed rose. Her blush increased as his slate dipped paw trailed over her curve and rested at her tail. His gent;e affections stirred the deeper desires within her, and made her gasp breathlessly. She continued to trace her claws through his silvery fur as he spoke, and she smirked lightly as he warned her of his intentions.

She felt the deep growl all through her body as it reverberated from Roman’s chest. She grinned again and pressed herself closer, feeling her heart flutter as he called her a goddess. Lillith enjoyed this advancement in the level of their relationship, knowing Romulus intimately enhanced everything about how she felt about him. "I’ll keep going then.” Lil returned boldly as she blushed again and desire built in her belly. He paw trailed from the thick fur of his neck to his cheek and up along his jaw as she aimed to tip his lips back to hers. Lillith felt like she was starting to get the hang of kissing him, but there was so much more that she wanted.
