
Stranger Tides [open]


03-04-2013, 01:09 PM
Harlequin was not a push over, not by any means necessary. She was on the smaller side compared to many wolves that roamed these lands, but what she lacked in height she made up with thick, brawny muscle in spades. Her jaws contained enough power to drag down a horse, a zebra, a gazelle, her body was built for furious bursts of speed and a fatal chomp. Her teeth were thick enough to rip through the toughest of tendons and to shatter bone. She was a built killer, made to take down things much larger than herself and that was her advantage. In a world of wolves it was her only upper hand. It was why she had chosen to leave Talutah. She would not be treated like some mistaken vagabond. She could throw her considerable power around when she needed too and it had been oh so tempting.

Onyx orbs peered out from her boxy skull, glaring out at the blood stained battlefield about her. The cold did not bother her, nor did the heat, the African Plains were wickedly burning during the day and frigidly cold during the night and while she had never lain a paw on her old terrain, she had the genetics to survive it. Thermoregulation was a wondrous thing. Her eyes saw everything, each and every subtle twitch of a blade of grass. Her bizarre coat pattern made it impossible for her to hide, not that she wished too. She had no desire to cower amongst the trees, she was done playing nice. If someone wished to challenge her, she would welcome it with a loving embrace. They would know the damage a hyena could bring.

The wolf that emerged into her view was obviously a hardened warrior herself. Thick scars criss-crossed her maw and rippled along her body. She had seen her own fair share of war and battle and if the fresh tang of blood was any indication she was still injured. She was bold to come to a place so vile. The hyena watched, onyx orbs never leaving the dame as she approached. She did not growl but she did not cower either, merely observed. She knew she was odd, from her muscular frame, to the more boxy set of her jaw to the stripes that adorned her coat... here, she demanded attention whether she wanted too or not.

Her words reached her, low and in a drawl and the creature tilted her head up to the heavens, observing the skies above for only a moment. What was she doing here? She inhaled sharply, her fur shivering slightly as her muscles spasmed beneath her thick coat.

Wandering I suppose. It's much easier to survive if you keep moving." She had a deep baritone rumble for a voice. Her dark eyes returned to the woman before her and she cocked her head to the side. She smelled vaguely familiar, perhaps she had belonged to one of the packs back on that sweltering spit of a volcano. "And yourself?"

She waited and after a long bout of silence from the dame, took her leave, she had better things to do than deal with wolves too terrified to speak.

-exit Harlequin-