
Remember the Name

Knight Cloud

08-15-2013, 05:19 AM

The scents of the forest were all around the male as he trekked unknown territory. He had never been in this part of Alacritis, and was kind of wary. He had heard recent tales of a new ruler in the Northern lands, and so he moved carefully and as hidden as he could to avoid detection. He knew the new ruler was one to avoid, and frankly he didn't want to face the new king if at all possible. Water rushed somewhere nearby, but Knight didn't feel like seeking it out in the open, not now. He still didn't know anyone well enough in the North, so if he happened to be attacked then he was on his own and without help. That, he would not risk right now...With eyes and ears alert, he picked his way around foliage and rocks, now thinking about how hungry he was. The brute had not eaten for a few days, simply because he had detected signs of Northern wolves and was trying to avoid all signs of being found, including his hunger. He wasn't about to give away any signs that he was in the territory, sacrificing his own hunger. Sure it was a small price to pay, but he preferred to keep himself from being found and ripped apart by a tyrant kings pack.

He stopped among the shelter of a fallen tree, all his attention now focused on something moving ahead. He had caught a glimpse of white moving among the forest ahead of him, and wondered what it was...He couldn't scent it, and so his mind became wary. He narrowed his eyes, thinking it as one of the Northern wolves from the pack he had heard about and slowly stalked forward. If the wolves had found his trail and were out here to take him out, then he would sneak up on him and get the upper hand. Paw step by paw step, he crept forward, body low to the ground. His nostrils flared, trying to scent out this wolf's alliance but detected none.

The mottled brown man stopped just behind a berry bush several yards away, watching through the leaves a creature moving towards him. As he peeked through the gaps, he noticed it was a much smaller wolf, female by her scent now. He relaxed a little, knowing that one so small wouldn't really be able to do much damage to him even if she tried. She didn't seem to be hostile though...and he wondered what she was doing out here alone. She too seemed wary, afraid, preoccupied with her surroundings and something on her mind. Curiosity got the better of him, as he slowly and carefully looked around the bush. His head peered out from the bush as he watched her move carefully towards him, and then he spoke to make himself known, "Um...good morning..." He greeted quietly.
