
Do we know this Alpha?

Shelby and Joe


The Hallows
Lady of Cinder

Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Ooh La LaSamhain 2022LegendaryPride - DemisexualTeacher
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3VengeanceCritical Fail!Ice Bridge Explorer1K
12-06-2021, 01:03 AM
Briar shifted from paw to paw as her howl ended and she waited eagerly to see Artorias, anxiously waiting to have her worries wiped away once she could finally lay eyes on him and confirm he was okay. A few moments later the familiar form of her Blue Boy appeared at the edge of the plains closest to the castle and a grin pulled across her lips, barely able to contain herself and keep herself from running to meet him. If it wasn't for her father standing there and the "diplomacy" they were here for she absolutely would, but for now she waited for Artorias to reach them with her tail wagging excitedly. As he got closer and came to greet and embrace her, she suddenly noticed how she had to look up at him slightly the same way she had to do when she was talking to her father. She hugged him tightly in return, reaching up a bit to nuzzle his cheek, but once he stepped back and she could glance between the two larger men she blinked with surprise. She had thought that he was a little taller than her last time they were together, but now he really truly was and she wondered where the extra height had suddenly come from when they were the same height for so long.

As Artorias questioned them on what they were doing in Auster her father spoke up and an amused smirk tugged at her lips as he went into a formal introduction of himself and her, putting on the full act of them coming to greet the new alpha of the pack and extending friendship between their pack and his. She could see how hard her father was struggling to keep it together and she wasn't doing much better. She barely bit back giggles at how silly it was, but she did her best to play along. She gave Artorias a polite bow of her antlered head when Sirius directed the attention toward her and the gift she had prepared, giving Artorias a smirk with amusement gleaming in her turquoise eyes. She pulled apart the knot that held the cloth tied around the gifts she brought, revealing four glass jars topped with lids to keep the contents of them contained. Her tawny paw tapped the top of each jar as she explained what was in them.

"These two are full of a delicious soup made with venison and vegetables. My handmaiden, Lia, is quite the chef." She grinned a little at that, happy to let Artorias know that their friend and servant was doing well in her own subtle way and just letting him know that Lia had a hand in her gift. "And these two are herbs and poultices for your healers. In times like these I'm sure your pack will find good use for them." She had done most of the gathering and hunting and Lia had done most of the assembling and cooking, the two of them working well together as always. She would forever be grateful for the fact that Artorias found Lia and brought her home. She tied up the bundle again so it would be easier to carry back to the castle, passing it over to Artorias with a smile, her tail wagging gently behind her.

"Briar Fatalis"