
I smell T-R-O-U-B-L-E



3 Years
12-06-2021, 01:10 AM

Kione had spent some time amongst the willow tree’s but had grown weary of them.  The plains nearby seemed much more pleasant.  The African wild dog caught the scent of a wolf pack and so skirted the plains.  He was cutting it close but respecting the barrier as long as they weren’t too touchy about it.  He was slowly getting used to dealing with wolves and while they were certainly different they had enough similarities that some were enjoyable to spend time with.  Kione had heard how they could get rather touchy about other canids getting onto their turf.

Kione’s family had never worried about this with their own kind but they had also never run into their own kind.  It made him wonder sometimes now if his parents had just traveled to this land from somewhere much farther off.  The colorful dog had covered a good amount of land and seen only wolves when it came to anything even similar to him.  Once more he assured himself it would be fine and his family group wouldn’t have been the only one to exist.  If he searched long enough Kione would find a new family.

At least being so close to the plains and the lake there were far fewer trees to hide his view.  Kione always preferred a more open territory.  Too bad the wolves had chosen that as their home but, he couldn’t really blame them for that.  Kione’s slowed his stride as a smell caught his attention.  It was a smell he had learned to love finding.  That was a lion and there was nothing more satisfying than killing a lion.  They had killed two members of his family and for that, every lion could die as far as Kione was concerned.

Kione let out a soft huff realizing this time it might not work out.  He could trail it but it was either inside the wolves' boundaries or close enough it might run onto their land which would make an angry lion their problem.  Scowling Kione continued on but, at a slower pace.  Hopefully the lion would head away from the pack and become fair game.


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