
You manifest a ceiling when you shy away



Advanced Intellectual (115)

Expert Healer (190)

7 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-06-2021, 09:55 PM

When the cloaked figure did an odd little hop, she emitted a startled sound and did a little hop of her own backward, nearly tripping over her long, silken tail as it trailed across the ground behind her in a silvery stream, one of the few times it wasn’t tied up with a neat bow. She watched it with cautious eyes, refusing to turn her back to it lest she leave an opening. Then, it began to lift a paw and her heartbeat sped up, watching as it moved to push it’s hood back. She pictured the glowing, seemingly bodiless eyes of the demon god she’d met before and squeezed her eyes shut out of fear. But, after a moment of nothing happening, she pinched open one eye.

In front of her was a wolf, not a monster, but the poor soul was nearly completely hairless. She’d seen it before in wolves with skin rashes or ringworm, where their fur would either fall out completely or be itched or bitten out. It could be rather painful, but she also didn’t see any signs of the two on what was visible of the wolf in front of her. When her gaze met the purple of the other, she paused, a feeling of familiarity falling over her. Her brows pinched in confusion, sure she was crazy. It normally took a while for one to become this hairless when afflicted by an ailment, but those eyes...they seemed to be Magnus’.

She took a hesitant step forward, then a few more before she was a few inches away. Kiyo had been upwind the entire time, so his scent was being pulled away. She leaned forward and sniffed before a wave of relief passed over her features and a smile pulled at her lips. “Oh goodness, Magnus, it’s you. You gave me a start, I'm so glad it's you,” she said, her figure clearly more relaxed than before.
