
Are we doomed to repeat ourselves



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
12-07-2021, 10:58 PM
Tamsyn followed the familiar halls of the castle, moving from the infirmary where she had stopped to speak with Gwynevere up the flights of stairs that would take her to the upper floors. Now that the world was slowly making its way back to normal and the sun had finally returned it felt like she could breathe more easily. Artorias was well again, the strain on Gwynevere was significantly lessened, and she was able to travel and explore with Kane once again. She had just finished having a conversation with her sweet healer of a daughter, encouraging the girl to get out more as well, though the feared it might fall on deaf ears. Gwyn had been shaken the hardest by the man that had attacked many of her children and all she felt like she could do was encourage her and be an example of moving past her own traumas.

As that thought crossed her mind a familiar scent caught her attention and she lifted her mint gaze from the floor, stopping as she saw the unmistakable figure of the Warlord sitting at a nearby balcony. From where she was standing she was out of view of him, but she could see his back and her ears flicked as a frown crossed her face. With her being in and out with Kane recently she must have missed his arrival, but she wasn’t all that surprised. With Briar’s move to The Hallows coming up soon she imagined that she was probably visiting with her father and as Sirius had foreshadowed when they last spoke he was likely going to be here far more often with his daughter living here. She let out a slow breath with a soft sigh, knowing that sooner rather than later she was going to have to fully put things behind her for the sake of their children and families. It was something she had begun that drunken night, but it was harder to fully do without a bit of liquid courage.

She glanced down the hall and considered moving past him quietly and heading to her room, but instead ended up looking back to the Warlord and walking toward him. There was no point in avoiding him at this point. They were going to cross paths sooner or later. Part of her wanted to wait until Kane could be here with her, but maybe it was better that she clear the air with her former alpha before the two males finally met. She settled beside him, leaving a comfortable distance between them. “Hello, Sirius,” she said as she lifted her gaze to look at him, offering him a small smile.

Tamsyn Carpathius