
Roaming Rogue



"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
12-08-2021, 05:34 PM
Today is a glorious day! The sun warms Ricin’s coat as he weaves his around bubbling springs and through dense vegetation that surrounds the area. With the bright, warm promise of fun day, Ricin jumped at the chance to go exploring when Chade left to find them food. Of course, the lighter-hued pup had promised to stay safe before the brothers had struck out in opposite directions. It wasn’t difficult to find the springs and Ricin had decided to follow to follow the water upstream. At first his pace is slow as his wandering eyes roam over and inspect every little thing that he passes.

Unexpectedly, Ricin’s ears pick up a faint sound and he pauses in forward progress. What was that? Should he go find out what it is? For a moment, he just stands there, weighing his options carefully as he tries to think of what Chade would do. After a moment, he tests the air and quickly wrinkles his nose as the overwhelming smell of sulfur fills his nostrils. A frown tugs at his light-colored lips when he realizes that the sulfur is drowning out all other scents. Finally, Ricin makes up his mind and strikes out toward where the sound had come from. Chade would want to know if there are any predators to be worried about nearby… right?

Ricin is proud of his reasoning as he quickly makes his way toward the source of the sound. Okay so maybe he hadn’t been paying close attention to Chade’s lessons about sneaking up on dangerous creatures (something about downwind and going slowly?)  but Ricin still needs to determine what kind of threatening animal has decided to stray so close to the springs. Chade is going to be so proud of him! He can already see his brother’s eyes when he tells him how he found a giant bear and lived to tell the tale.

Lost in his daydreams, Ricin is unaware of the amount of noise he making in the dense foliage he is jogging through. His light form bursts into a clearing and comes face to face with a colorful dog. Surprise is stops Ricin in his tracks as he stands there, shocked. After a moment, Ricin rumbles out uncertainly, “Uh. Hi.”
