
what a coincidence



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
12-08-2021, 05:36 PM

Venom's disappointment was understood and even expected. Manea hadn't asked why the northern pack in particular was singled out by the Empress to be her target when it was given to her, but Venom didn't seem to be the type to strike without cause so she assumed that they probably wronged her in one way or another. Even though she was sure it was at least a bit of good news to know they were no longer standing, it certainly wasn't the satisfaction she was probably hoping for. Manea only hoped that the disappointment didn't sour their relationship and once Venom continued with the possibility of training with her pack that fear was immediately relieved.

She listened curiously as Venom explained how her pack had fractured with the departure of her siblings, one seemingly on better terms than the other. The expansion of the empire was certainly good news or at least so it seemed to her, but the banishment Venom spoke of hit close to home and Manea gave a nod of understanding. The offer of their wolves training together pulled a smile across her lips and she nodded in agreement with a polite dip of her head. "It would be an honor. My band and I will be making our way this direction shortly and setting up camp near by. Once we've done that we can set up some more firm plans for training together. I'll be looking forward to it."

With that decided she paused for a moment before adding, "Removing family from your life is never easy, even if they have committed grievous offenses against you. I commend you for doing what needed to be done." She obviously didn't know the situation behind the banishment or what had brought it about, but she didn't need to. Venom had a good head on her shoulders and certainly loved her family. Manea was certain that wasn't a choice made lightly. "I was forced to banish my mother from our family once upon a time," she admitted, passing the trust they were building between one another back and forth in their shared experiences. "It caused me to become our matriarch much earlier than anticipated, but it had to be done."

Manea | Temno | Ciemny