
I knew I'd regret it if I tried to blend in and pretend




2 Years
12-08-2021, 06:17 PM
Rancid, decay, a bitter smell that seemed to envelop the very senses of the young she-wolf. She hadn’t a single clue where she was going and how she had endured such travel for so long; but, anything to get away from the putrid smell that plagued her nasal cavity. Her mind had wandered for many moons, wondering where everything was starting to fall into place within her life.

First, she had left the sanctuary of her home for something more exhilarating and exciting, but…here she was wandering from place to place without a single end goal in sight! Should she start her own pack? Should she keep moving like her nomadic tendencies have told her to do so? Follow the very birds that have blessed her with their feathers which she wore proudly on her neck and tail and continue wherever they lead her to?

A sigh escaped the star-dusted babe, ebony claws scratching at the dirt which pulled away some insects that began to make their appearance for the Spring season. Little critters that seemed to wander, just like she did. But, with some, they did have an end goal. To reach their home or colony and provide for them. Lunora? She wasn't like that anymore, but she, too, did want an end goal whatever it was.

A few smells seemed to grace her presence, reverting her mind from the other smells that she’d come across before. Who was it? Why were they here of all places? Then again, Luna figured she could ask the same question when it came to herself. Whatever the case, she ventured closer; being cautious about whom the strangers were as her paw steps were light and gentle; being careful to try and not make any sound should the others be hostile towards her. The last thing the woman wanted was confrontation at this point in time; but her mind did keep telling her to go forth and to not look back. For now, the dame would do as her subconscious told her to do without complaint. Her eyes peaked outwards from a bush, seeing two figures who she could barely make out, but she watched them closely with narrowed eyes, seeing if there was anything that could be used against them if there was some form of issue if she were to be spotted. But, for now, Lunora stayed where she was.