
There's No Place Like Home

Kione & Art


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-09-2021, 12:44 AM

The small, rolling hills that make up the bone yard were a sight to behold. Under any other circumstance, on any other day, Fern might have enjoyed it here. However, with each limping step shooting agony through her right shoulder, the gray girl is only focused on one thing; reaching the Hallows land. The colorful dog that accompanies her had given name along their trek and Fern looks over to Kione with a tight smile. Trying to sound happy, she says, “We should be there soon.” With that she turns her eyes back to the space ahead of them and walks.

Fern feels great trepidation at returning to the Hallows. Worry settling over her as she wonders if Art or Rudyard will be mad at her. The Aegis had left Rudyard’s care in her paws and she had run away. Sure, there were other circumstances that played a part in her leaving (namely the illness and the fact that Rudy bit her) but do they count? The worried thoughts pull her attention away from the pain and sets her mind to adrift for a bit. Her continues to walk but her mind resides elsewhere.

When they crest a hill and start down the other side, Fern shakes herself mentally, focusing back on the present. At the bottom of the hill, the land evens out stretching out and becoming a grass plain. In the distance the castle’s silhouette can be seen, mighty and regal against the bright noon day sun. Fern’s heart flutters as she sees the castle in the sun for the first time. When Rudy had first brought her here, the world had been in a constant state of twilight. Somehow, the sun makes the castle appear even grander than before. When the slope ends and the plains start, Fern pulls up short to look at Kione.

A genuine smile of gratitude appears as she says, “Thank you Kione. Thank you for everything.” With that, standing on the borders of The Hallows land, Fern tips her gray head back and releases a howl. She asks for permission to enter and receive aid, while announcing who she is. When she is finished, Fern sits down heavily, her tired body slides her gently down onto her belly. Curling her right leg tight to her chest, the gray girl rests while waiting for permission to enter.


Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.