
How To Have Zoomies And Make New Friends



"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


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Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
12-09-2021, 01:16 AM
Ricin is so lost in his boundless energy, so engrossed in his puppy glee, that he doesn’t register the moment he almost slams into another wolf. The world is blur so when a molted white form dodges out of his path, the light blue pup thinks nothing of it, at first. It isn’t until his second pass, when he sees the same molted white blur exactly where it last been, that Ricin wonders if he has attracted some attention. Well past the form, Ricin tries to stop abruptly. He attempts to be graceful, regal, and confident as he starts to skid to halt… he fails miserably.

At the exact moment Ricin sinks his butt toward the ground to stop his rapid forward momentum, a small rabbit darts out in front and pauses to turn its gaze toward the charging pup. Both sets of eyes round as they meet and realize a collision is imminent. While Ricin is still growing and has yet to reach his full height, he knows that crashing full tilt into such a small body will be disasters for the bunny. Quickly, the light blue pup throws his body to the side, aiming to roll away from the rabbit.

A tangle of blue limbs and a chorus soft, painfilled curses, tumbles away from the terrified bunny. Ricin comes to rest at the base of a tree, stunned but no worse for wear. His butt is propped slightly up above him, adding to the comical effect of the whole situation. Crimson eyes glare darts at the rabbit as it hippity hops its way over to the upside-down pup. Ricin gets ready to grumble his displeasure to the small creature when it hops right up to his face. Quickly the bunny plants a small kiss on the blue pup’s nose before swiftly hopping away.

Stunned, Ricin watches the retreating form of the rabbit a moment before turning his gaze to the white form. Eyes widen when he sees it is wolf and he says, “’Ello! You okay over there?” Ricin doesn’t move to get up, instead enjoying his upside-down view for a long as he can.
