
paging dr. house




Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-09-2021, 09:15 AM

Laeta’s drifting daydream took her many places beyond the castle walls - she traversed the fiery hot desert with bleeding trees, the sandy beaches, the thick woodlands..anywhere and everywhere she’d been so far that her mind could conjure up at will. Being bedridden had its advantages in that sense, she supposed; maybe she’d write a story someday about her mental travels across Auster. No, that sounded a bit sad, didn’t it? She sighed slowly, her eyelids beginning to flutter closed in the raptures of a midday slumber when a large figure heaved itself into her room. Another unexpected guest, surprisingly not the first time either. The last was the blonde wolf, Emile, who had been terrified of a packmate and mistakenly entered her room to hide. But, this was not him, but a stranger.

The large, galaxy-pelted wolf had accidently swept his paw over Mel, and the badger squeaked in surprise as he leaped back, dropping the broom and adjusting his monocle as he took a good look at who spooked him. "Oh, my apologies, good sir! I was a bit startled," The badger replied, offering a polite and brief bow in greeting. He quickly grabbed his broom afterwards and continued sweeping, seemingly over the quick scare. Laeta’s near identical ruby gaze flickered towards the male who’d wandered in, and she tilted her head the best she could towards her direction, though the movement was difficult. He was massive - dwarfing her in compariaon. His coat was completely different from the rest of the pack, a nebula of various hues that harmoniously decorated his fur. She couldn’t help but be intrigued. Still, she couldn’t get an inquiry out when the gruff male had asked, "What’s the matter with you?"

"I’m paralyzed due to a neck injury,"She said, voice calm. The time for weeping and grieving over her condition was long behind her, it was clear she’d accepted her fate and had pushed the idea of being a burden on the pack deep down as well. Not even in a repressed type of way, but in the way that she’d find a way to cope regardless. She had to if she was to survive. Even if the pain in her joints was great, and the fire burning in her travel-worn and stress-worn skeleton managed to cloud her every clear gaze in a barely masked expression of pain. That was the only factor she’d never truly get over. The pain.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.