
The Sands Secrets



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
12-09-2021, 09:43 AM
Mac realized this was a bit further from home. But was he afraid? No, because he was with Misery, and Misery was cool and wouldn’t let him get hurt too badly, lest he face Recluse’s wrath. But a few scrapes would make him stronger, he’d bet. As Misery howled for him to come, the speckled child wasted no time, using his quick feet to spur him into a strong gallop towardshis older brothee’s location. Catching his scent in the air, the child raced towards him, seeing his figure in the distance as he arrived on the patch of grass. Skidding to a stop, it was fortunate he’d managed to get next to Misery, for he didn’t realize the dangerous lands they were on currently.

The boy’s luminescent grey eyes scanned the horizon curiously. The sands looked rather..unassuming. A little dull, actually - was this supposed to be a fun place for them to linger about? He glanced up towards his brother with an expectant gaze. What were they going to do? Why hadn’t Misery made a move closer to the sandy area?

"Misery, what’s this place?" He asked, looking back towards the land. Something about it seemed off, and some danger radar within his core was going off. A gut instinct, if you will, as if he wasn’t supposed to be here. The sand wasn’t right, was it? "Is there something wrong with the sand? Why aren’t we walking on it?" He inquired further, hoping to encourage an answer from his brother. Surely there was some purpose in them being out here, right? Clearly it wasn’t for playing or running about. No, something about this place told him to stay put and be careful. He awaited his brother’s reply with wide eyes.

i’m evil to the core!—
what i shouldn’t do i will
they say i’m emotional—
what i want to save i’ll kill