
The dinner bell


08-15-2013, 12:51 PM

He watched the youth with amusement glinting in his eyes as the boy got excited over the prospect of tagging along with him. It was a bit sad too, since this boy was already so alone in the world. Well, life was a bitch. She knocked you down and you had to get right back up and keep moving forward. Oh well, no need to think so much now. He had to answer the Kid. "Yes Really, Boyo. You can tag along with me for a little while. We have to get just one thing straight, though. I'm no babysitter. I will not treat you like a pup, and you will not act like one, okay?"His eyebrow quirked up as he spoke, staring the boy straight in the eye. He didn't plan on travelling with Kido too long and getting attached to him. Dragging a kid around with him wouldn't let him have as much time to try and fool around with other wolves, male and female alike.

His head dropped briefly to take another bite from the carcass, though his eyes stayed pointing at his new little companion, waiting for an answer. He didn't mention that the boy could act like a kid and he would act like he had wen he had been a father oh so long ago. He hadn't been a great father. Whining and complaining was met with a snarl and a toss in the icy cold stream that ran near the den. He wasn't sure if he could toss this boy in to a pool of freezing water or not, but he could probably try. A yearling wasn't too heavy, right? "Hey, Boyo. What's your name, anyway? I'm guessing you might get annoyed with me calling you Boyo or Kiddo all the time." he sure would if he were this kid's age again. Not that learning a name would stop Greed from calling the boy by a much easier to remember nickname. His memory was good, but not perfect.
