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7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-09-2021, 09:25 PM (This post was last modified: 12-09-2021, 09:26 PM by Laeta. Edited 1 time in total.)

It appeared Deion had taken some pity on her recollection, as poor as it was. She’d take the response regardless - it was preferable to a response fueled with shame and anger. She’d gotten mad at herself over this more times than she could count. Anger for getting herself infected with the ooze. Anger for provoking such a powerful entity. Anger for letting herself get wounded so badly. But anger trapped one in cycles, hard to break and even harder to recognize. She caught herself before winding down in such circles, because what else was she supposed to do? Whine and moan about how she was trapped in bed, bones in constant aching pain that flooded her body each time she was shifted around? There was no use in expending such energy for something as unproductive as rumination.

As Deion continued his examination, mentioning he couldn’t make out the spirit’s intentions, Laeta simply murmured, "Me neither." Her comment about him being a physician conjured a response as he gingerly placed his paw closer to the top of the neck. He was attempting to find the fracture, which Syanna had located even closer to the skull. It was strange that she’d be able to sense pain and even tilt her head ever so slightly despite it, but such an injury was likely beyond anyone’s understanding, even a healer such as he. In fact, the amount of wolves here that knew healing was a surprise, and also a relief. There was more support, and she didn’t want to feel like she was burdening one physician alone. It was interesting that he was a combat healer - she’d never heard such a thing, really. Even the mention of battles and wars were foreign to her, as back in her loner life she’d only experience mere spars and squabbles, fights to the death among one or a few wolves, but not entire packs. He was clearly confident in his skills from such experiences.

When he wondered if the break was healed aloud, leaving her to crease her brow in concern and also frustration. If the neck fracture was healing, why couldn’t she move? If a broken bone was mended, didn’t it make sense for it to gain function again? Maybe it was lingering magic from the entity..she didn’t know. It was frustrating, vexing, all of it. Swallowing back the cynicism building in her thoughts, she heard him mention what treatments the others established. She frowned. "Hmm..Mel would know the exact herbs. I was really out of it and couldn’t identify them all that well." At the mention of his name, the badger hopped onto the bed, glancing up at the large male as he mentioned, "W-Well, the physician, Syanna, prescribed boneset, juniper, and elderberries for pain and the fever Lady Laeta experienced with the oozing ailment. The other physician, lady Gwynevere, prescribed liquid for a painkiller..though I am unsure of its contents. Alas, the injury has no treatment itself." Most of the medications were for pain management, the nebula-pelted male would discover, and not for the injury.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.