
The Sands Secrets



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-10-2021, 12:05 AM

Misery watched as Mac came running up, glad to see the boy did stop versus just charging off onto the sands.  What was this place and was there something wrong with it?  Kid’s enjoyed dramatic effect right?  Misery liked finding fun words anyway so hopefully he could capture Mac’s attention.  “This is a place where the ground desires to kill any who put their weight on it.” That sounded fancy to Misery at least.  He wasn’t sure why some sand areas sucked things in and others didn’t but someday he’d figure it out.  It was enough, for now, he’d carefully taken time to learn where it was and was not safe.

“Let me show you,” Kotori moved a few steps away and grabbed a rabbit he’d set aside.  The poor creature was very much alive but one of its legs was cracked, blood-stained about showing how the damage was recent.  “Follow behind me please.”  If the boy wanted to do anything else the sand might get him and that would be his own fault.  Misery wanted Mac to succeed but he wouldn’t be a worthy successor if Misery coddled him.  Actions had consequences and that was to be learned early on.

There was a bit of a stick poking out of one spot of sand.  It was a thin branch and seemed innocent enough but then Misery slung the rabbit near it.  The unlucky animal scrambled in a panic, lamely wanting to flee.  As it struggled to its feet the rabbit's back legs started to slide out beneath him.  The rabbit of course panicked more and it didn’t take overly long before the rabbit was over halfway swallowed in the sand.  The process started slowing down as the rabbit couldn’t move well enough to struggle, now it would take longer.

Misery watched the rabbit, a small smile on his face.  Misery was more interested of course in what Mac thought but he’d only keep a side gaze on him, let Mac not see how much attention Misery had in him at the moment.  
