
Come Together and Rise [Pack Meeting]

First Round due the 20th



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-10-2021, 01:36 AM

His patrols took a lot longer than they usually did now and he absolutely hated it. His leg was certainly on the mend but he had been scolded many times to take it easy as to not open the still healing wound... again. After this latest tongue lashing, the male decided that maybe he shouldn't be so pig headed and actually take it easy... if only a little bit. Enzi seemed to have taken up the mantel as his warden, quick to give him a sharp and swift peck or pinch of her talons if he started to push his limits. The bird had probably struck up some deal with the Spirit or the annoyed healers. Not that he really listened, he was only careful enough so that he didn't reopen the wound, as he did actually feel bad causing more work for the remaining healers. And then, as Aurielle's howl echoed over the plains, Drachen stopped his low walk to listen. It was a pack meeting and everyone was expected to be there. His blue eyes scanned over the rest of the distance of his patrol, the urge to push through and arrive late to the meeting and finish it was seriously tempting as he hated leaving things half done but the call of the Spirit was something he could not ignore.

So he turned and walked his way to the meeting place, casting the black dot in the sky that was Enzi to make sure she followed as he made his way to answer the summons. His gait was uneven but still his paws landed on the ground nearly silently against the ground, even with the ever present pain running up and down his leg. He was hopeful though, that the long gash was getting better, the pain slowly getting less and less each day, replaced by an unbearable itch from the tissues healing, but it was something that he could tolerate. As long as he was back to full force soon. Drachen was surprised however when he was the first to arrive, his oceanic eyes scanning the area for anyone else assuming that he missed them, but no, he was the first. The Mist then turned his attention to Aurielle and gave her a small but warm smile and approached her, stopping a respectful distance away as he took a place at the front where others would soon arrive. He was glad to see she looked healthier than she did when she came by his den. Still not completely back to health but he like the improvement. He, himself still looked rather ragged after being struck by the sickness, at least his pelt was now more sleek and free of mats from the blue ooze that dripped from his eyes and nose.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

Drachen has a female Red-Tailed Hawk companion named Enzi that is always with him unless otherwise stated