
open enrollment - pack meeting, land change, new ranks



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
12-10-2021, 11:53 AM
The darkness had persisted for so long that Corvus feared it would never fully lift. The world had grown bleak and strange before, after the volcano's eruption... but this? This had been something else entirely. Lately he thought often of the children that he and Twig had lost - would they have even survived this cruel world? It had stolen Rhyme away and no doubt others. Perhaps everything really had happened for a reason. When the sun finally rose though he didn't feel quite as relieved as he should have, though he couldn't explain why. He had changed - everyone had changed.

But even those that had been sick, deeply sick, seemed to be recovering, and for that he was thankful. He'd clung tightly to Twig through all of this, only now feeling confident enough to branch out and check on the rest of the pack - at Theory's command - while she regained her strength and prepared to speak to them. He wasn't surprised to finally hear her call for all of them, and he nudged Twig along after him, quick to arrive while the rest of the pack fell in line.

What she said was interesting. Abaven would change; it would be a place to learn and thrive, a place that welcomed all children, fully neutral in all affairs. All he could think was: Why had we not done this before? There was no chance he'd leave now. Abaven had always been his home, and the home of his father and grandfather. He belonged here, no matter where they went, no matter what kind of pack they intended to be. He was surprised to feel tears of joy pricking at his eyes and threatening to fall as he leaned against Twig, breathing a quiet sigh. If they could not have children of there on, that didn't mean that there wouldn't be children around for them to teach and care for - he was fully on board with this plan, giving Theory a smile and nod as she spoke, pride filling his chest.