
Fire and Ice



5 Years
Extra large
08-15-2013, 02:30 PM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2013, 02:31 PM by Taurig.)

He had to hand it to his father, he definitely knew how to pick women. This specific woman wasn't ugly by any means. She had a pale coat, much like his fathers, although it had much more coloration than his albino father's. Her eyes were an interesting rosy shade, lighter than his father's ruby gaze. She was feminine in every sense of the word, not a hint of warrior visible or detectable anywhere on her smaller frame. Shame. But then, that's what his father had brought him to Glaciem, to be the warrior and protect his brood like this woman here. And what an interesting brood it appeared to be so far.

Her rosy eyes bored into his, unblinking as it roamed his figure, that same giggle bubbling from her lips. What was so amusing? Surely he wasn't odd looking to her, was he? Not that he really cared, but her little giggle was beginning to grate at his nerves, but he didn't let on, his face perfectly unreadable mask. She moved closer and Taurig took the opportunity to allow the rest of his body to follow his neck, completely turning around to feel her, onyx tail curled high over his hips as he looked down at her, ears attentive as she introduced herself as Arthfael. He already knew she was of Glaciem, her scent said it all. Pleasure to meet you Arthfael, I am Taurig, son of Isardis.

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