
I See You


08-15-2013, 03:20 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2013, 03:56 AM by Gael.)

She seemed to be more than relieved that he was alright, his explanation for his absence boding well with the little woman, which in turn was a relief for him. Part of him feared that she would be just a tad bit upset with for having disappeared so suddenly, but the reasoning behind his disappearance was enough to quell any if there were, reasons to be upset with him. That's very sweet of you. A half grin curled his lips, shoulders rubbing against the earth beneath him as he shrugged, his stomach twisting into knots as she kissed his chin, running her muzzle across the fur lining his neck, sending ripples of goosebumps across his skin. Even being away from her for a week could not diminish the feelings that were brewing for her. I just did what I had to do to keep you well. He answered honestly, watching as she clambered off him, allowing him the room to get his paws beneath him again before poking him in the chest with a paw, teasing him about having told her something. She did have a point there.

I probably should have. Can't really remember why I didn't. Please forgive me my little woman, I never meant to worry you. His ears flattened against his head, cerulean eyes becoming big like a puppy's as he lowered his head, crouching in order to shorten himself as he rubbed the top of his head underneath her chin, very much like a pup would do to its mother, though their relationship was the farthest from that. He pulled up a moment later, a playful grin creasing his lips, her question peaking his interest. Whoops. It's the least I could do. Sorry about that by the way, I had no idea you were hunting. The playful grin turned sheepish as he tilted his head to one side, unable to break eye contact with her. Those teal eyes. How he loved them so.

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