
paging dr. house




Intermediate Navigator (40)

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7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-10-2021, 11:38 PM

As the nebula-pelted brute continued to examine her, Laeta let Mel explain the medications she had been given thus far - which her companion had dutifully provided her, as prescribed, on the dot. He certainly had a strong memory. Stronger than hers, anyway. Her thoughts, even now, were sometimes jumbled and interrupted, like cracks on a surface that was otherwise smooth. Jagged edges of thoughts, words, feelings all roughened her subconscious, likely forever marred by whatever remenants of the ooze decided to linger where the sunlight couldn’t reach. In this case it was the confines of her inner brain. She’d get back to a full clear head soon enough, though. For her paralysis, though, that was an entirely different story. It was the one exception to the idea that tike heals all wounds, because this one certainly didn’t.

As the healer continued his examination, feeling closer to the actual fracture site that Syanna had caught in her own investigation, Laeta’s eyes clouded with pain she wasn’t expressing. He asked if she was in pain, to which she did her best to nod in response, because yes, she was constantly sore and aching, and he mentioned that she must have angered the spirits. She offered a soft, clearly bitter chuckle. "I’m willing to bet that many wolves have angered the spirits — but if you’re really foolish, they break your neck, too." It was her attempt at a joke, something to cope with her situation. It was a tad dry, but no harm was meant from it. It was directed at herself, anyways. She couldn’t even recall half the things she’d did or the places she’d wandered off to during her infection with the ooze, but it certainly wasn’t out of the realm of possibility that she’d done something stupid or reckless -  totally out of character for a woman who thought two paces ahead of her physical actions. Whatever it was, though, she paid the price for it in the cruelest way imaginable.

When he finished his probing around the neck, he pressed down on her shoulder blade region, and she felt a strange sensation that caused her to cringe slightly. Not that it compared to the fiery rampage of her joints. When asked if she had suffered joint pain before her injury she replied, "Yes. I was a loner before joining the Hallows, and all that traveling, curling up into dens to hide from others, as well as the stress of trying to survive aged my bones greatly. I guess after not moving for so long, the pain’s caught up to me. It did seem a bit better when I moved around, though. Of course, currently that’s impossible." She explained it the best she could to a medical expert, which she was not. Mel listened with a glimmer of pity in his beady eyes, realizing how worn her body was compared to her actual age. A four year old woman in the body of an arthritic eight year old. Only further compounded by lack of movement, further stiffening the angry joints.

When the male mentioned a way to relieve it, though it was from physical contact and thought she might like to avoid it, she didn’t mind. Mel glanced to her, as if awaiting her answer. Thought the little badger help to be her spokesperson when she was immobile, Lae still had the capability to speak for her own treatment. "Let’s try it." She said, firm. She was willing to try anything at this point - the herbs could only do so much and work for so long, she was curious to see how physical contact could relieve it.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.