
About time you showed up




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
12-11-2021, 12:33 AM
The Hallows' medicine stocks had been hit pretty hard with all the illness that occurred during the Long Night. Many of their most commonly used herbs had been reduced to minuscule reserves, and with the sun back in the sky, no doubt the pack would begin to see weary travelers and those looking for medical aid before long. Romulus took the initiative to begin resupplying the pharmacy with as many plants as he could gather, utilizing the blooming gardens once more as his own personal grocery store of sorts. Today's hot item was lamb's ear. Fortunately, the plant was pretty distinctive with its soft fuzzy pale green leaves, and finding the stalks was easy for the keen-eyed brute. Romulus had a satchel from the castle around his neck and was busy stuffing as many leaves as he could harvest into the bag. These would make excellent bandages!

With the lack of a breeze and his focus entirely on the task at hand, Roman didn't notice the other strikingly similar wolf sneaking up on him until it was far too late. Romulus had just finished picking a stalk of lamb's ear clean of all its leaves and lifted his head to begin looking around for more when he spotted the familial silver and slate fur a mere second before it came barreling at him like a runaway boulder. With a grunt, the Armada wolf was knocked off his paws by a hefty weight and a set of paws looping around his neck in a grapple. His fight reflex kicked in immediately, fangs bared and a snarl starting in his throat—until he heard the familiar voice, then smelled the familiar scent. No fucking way...

"Remus?! What the fuck?" exclaimed the started and stunned Romulus, quite pleased with the emphasis he placed on the last word. "What are you doing all the way out here?!" From his position on the ground, Roman swung a paw up to try and clock his bigger brother in the jaw whilst simultaneously kicking his strong hind legs at his belly to try and kick him off of him, not looking to hurt his brother, but definitely not holding any punches in their wrestling.

"Romulus Armada"