
we're a strange herd



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
12-11-2021, 04:35 PM

As the days inched closer and closer to the due date for their pups, Plague very rarely ventured far from the palace or really even from Rava's side. He knew her worries and fears and he did his best to alleviate them as much as he could. He was grateful when Venom offered them a space within the palace so that when he did have to leave for periods of time to do patrols or tasks around the pack then he knew there would always be someone nearby to help her if she needed anything at all. It also saved him from having to completely construct a new den and put them closer to the rest of his family which he always enjoyed. He was able to see his nieces and nephews far more often and he was looking forward to seeing how they got along with their new cousins.

He was just outside the palace when he heard the echos of Rava's howl calling for him and Void and he immediately dropped everything he was doing to race inside, dodging one of the akitas that roamed the halls to make it to the space they shared, skidding to a stop when he entered and found Rava pacing the room. He steadied himself and came to be at her side, affectionately nuzzling her cheek. "How are you feeling?" he questioned with concern. He knew birth wasn't exactly a pleasant experience and he was the farthest thing from a healer so he wasn't much help other than getting her what she needed, but he still wanted to know. He knew one of the akitas had likely already gone to get Kiyo so he didn't bother calling for the healer, instead sticking close to Rava so she could lean on him if she needed.

Plague Abraxas-Destruction