
Roaming Rogue



"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
12-11-2021, 07:18 PM
The tall pup stands as still as a statue, staring at the strange dog he has come face to face with. The dog looks at him with an amused expression and says hello. A lopsided grin appears on the light blue pups face as he says, “Hello! You have a funny way of talking.” Puppy logic wins the day again as Ricin points out the blatantly obvious to the dog, not even considering that he already knows this and perhaps, just maybe, the way Ricin speaks is strange to him. Ricin has a distrust of adult wolves but has never met an adult dog before. Maybe they aren’t so bad? Quickly, the pup makes up his mind to get know this guy a little more before passing judgement.

The dog’s words have Ricin looking back over his shoulder at the path he made, broken dead sticks and crunched plants littering his wake. Oh right, Chade had mentioned about being sneaky. Well, that doesn’t matter now, he found the culprit of the strange noise early and is still alive. He will take that as a win. Turning back to the dog, he shrugs his light-colored shoulders and says, “Being sneaky really isn’t my thing. Now my brother, he is the master of that stuff. I bet you wouldn’t have even heard him coming!” Ricin is proud of his brother and the lopsided grin becomes a full-blown smile as talks about Chade.

Stepping out of the foliage, giving his coat a good shake to rid it of any lingering plants, Ricin answers the dog’s question, “Neither. My brother’s out hunting for food and I was just exploring. Hoping to find a safe place to sleep for the night. What brings you here? Want to explore with me?” Ricin is all over the place, his energy boundless and the prospect of having someone join on his adventures causing him to become even more eager. Tail wags lightly as he looks to the dog, the blue pup’s tongue hanging out the side of his mouth as he watches the colorful creature.

As an afterthought, Ricin says, “Oh yeah, my name’s Ricin.” He looks behind the dog, pointing a paw toward the direction of the waterfalls and asking, “Went to get a closer look at the falls over there?” His tail still wags as the blue pup is extremely pleased with himself. Chade can’t be mad with his exploring now! He found an adult to protect him.
