
We’ll Make It Together




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
12-11-2021, 08:29 PM

Plague gave a little shake of his head when she warned him not to get too close. "I've been close to you this whole time. If I was going to catch it I would have by now." He knew she was probably right and he probably should be a bit more cautious considering the fact that he had children on the way and he didn't want to unintentionally spread this illness to Rava, Void, or their kids, but from what he had seen of it the curse didn't seem to be contagious. It only seemed to effect certain wolves and even though he didn't know what had caused it or why he had escaped its grasp while Venom didn't he was grateful so he could experience being with Rava through her pregnancy.

"I talked to Void about moving to Ashen," he told her, getting around to one of the reasons why he was here besides just to check on her and see how she was faring. "With the pups on the way he's agreed so I was going to go to Abaven with him to request permission for him to leave, but I wanted to make sure that was okay with you first." He couldn't imagine Venom ever denying him something like this, especially considering the room they currently had available in the pack, but he still would rather clear it with her properly. Wether he was her brother or not, she was still the Empress and ruler of this pack and he'd always respect her authority in that regard, no matter how close they were.

Once that was settled he looked around the main chamber of the palace for a moment, thinking to himself how many things had changed just in the last couple of years, how much they had changed. It made him wonder if it was simply impossible to predict how the future would go, but he also knew they still had to try their best to plan for the future. They both had children now, hers nearly adults in their own rights and his very close to being born, and they had to do what they could to set up a good future for them. "How are your children faring?" He knew at least a portion of them had fallen ill as well, but with all the time he was spending looking after Rava and working on moving his family fully into Ashen he hadn't had much time to check in on them himself.

Plague | Viridis | Procella