
The bullets catch in her teeth




Novice Hunter (15)

Advanced Fighter (80)

5 Years

LoserScarredUnderachieverThe Ooze Participant
12-11-2021, 10:31 PM
He grunted in agreement, head swivelling around to briefly check out the prey not too far in the distance. It was odd, seeing so many larger beasts just calmly milling around, and even a whole bunch of smaller creatures darting to and fro, almost like they owned the place. It was a little insulting to be honest, did they not think he, a wolf, was scary enough to be afraid of? Preposterous.
"I s'pose so," he said with a shrug. So far he had only caught a prairie dog, and he was not about to take the larger creatures on solo, but perhaps it was better to hunt here in a group than do it solo. The lack of shelter however, he could definitely agree on. There was nowhere for him to hide from the rain, and if there was he would absolutely be there instead of walking around in it like a fucking moron.
His gaze landed sharply on the strange female when she spoke of sparring, a single brow raised. She wanted to go a few rounds with him. her? She was built like a handful of sticks hurriedly joined together with some rope, all spindly legs and sharp angles. Although, he had been thoroughly beaten by that one brute of a wolf not too long ago... maybe this would be a good opportunity to really test out his skills against someone who looked a lot easier to win against. And a spar, that meant no actual damage, right? That would be a new one, normally he just pissed off a wolf and got a set of teeth to the face.
"I dabble now and then," he said a little cautiously, only now wondering why she had brought it up if she didn't look like the type of creature to be picking fights with strangers, even if she asked nicely beforehand. "Wouldn't be opposed to that idea." It would get the blood flowing, that's for sure, and maybe stave off the coldness for a bit. He moved his half-eaten carcass to the side then stood facing the woman with a squared stance, simply staring at her with a cocked head. Would she make the first move? Is that how this worked?
Laith is an M rated character, thread with him at your own risk!