
Whoops, wrong door



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-11-2021, 11:17 PM

Laeta hummed in acknowledgement of Emile’s anxious reasoning for who he was escaping from. A friend he had hurt? Her eyes softened, as if they weren’t already gazing upon him with sympathy, and she offered a look of comfort towards him. She wouldn’t pry about who in the pack bothered him so, but this sheer amount of panic from him was making her worried as well. Clearly something had happened between him and this mystery person and it was weighing on his mind heavily. Still, she placed her idea of getting him to open up about his fears to the side for now, instead curiously engaging in the dialogue of his family. It wasn’t purely distraction, either - Lae had heard of the families of this pack but only knew what little history she’d picked up here and there.

"Ah, I see. Say, I think I met your sister not long after I joined - Jane, I believe? She’s very sweet," Laeta paused before adding, "Though I don’t believe I’ve met your father myself." She’d recalled seeing the older male - Ulric, she’d heard him called - by their Aegis during the Festival of Unity, the one where the title of leader was passed down the the younger blue male.  Seeing the blonde male still tense by the door, the paralyzed woman asked, "Perhaps you’d like to take a seat? I don’t think your former friend would find you here. It might help to ease your anxiety a little if you’d just like to chat - about anything you’d like." If Emile accepted, she’d ask her badger friend to find a big, soft cushion for him to sit not far from her bed, so that she could face him for a conversation. Though, if he preferred to stand by the door, she’d respect that as well - she didn’t believe it’d do him much good, though, to be constantly on edge for this bad friend. Not that it was her place, but something horrible must have occurred between the two of them. She knitted her brow softly, as if quietly encouraging him to come over and relax. Besides, she’d enjoy having a visitor here, even if his presence was unexpected.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.