
I wasn't even looking for trouble!


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-12-2021, 12:13 AM

Rudyard had kept doing his part of distracting and irritating the bear that had gotten to close to home.  With Rudyard's own work he couldn’t spend too much time watching Romulus but it suddenly got very easy when the silvery wolf made an impressive display going up the bear’s back and with well-timed precision managing to get the bear off-balance to fall on the ground.

Then Romulus was at its throat and Rudyard no longer was needed for distracting.  Rudyard charged to the bear, biting into one of the massive flailing arms.  He tried holding it in place to make sure it didn’t hit Rom even on accident.  Yeah, right, death-flailing arm of a grizzly was still pretty powerful.  Rudyard kept a grip but the arm was still flailing.  Flailing until it suddenly went limp.

Rudyard backed up and watched the dying bear.  He nodded to Romulus at the smirk and grinned, “that was great.” Looking back to the bear’s suffering Rudy let out a slow sigh.  He jumped up on the bear and bit into the death-dealing throat wound Rom had delt it and tore the injury open further, making the bleed out go all the more.  Rudy wanted it to die, not out of hatred but mercy.  There was only one predator he wanted to suffer but, this bear wasn’t innocent of the demonic nature of Oxx.

When the bear was fully dead Rudyard walked away from it shrugging at Romulus, not bothering to explain his reason.  He smiled at Romulus again, “Thanks for coming out so fast.  I don’t have a lot of luck fighting bears alone.” Thankfully not many wolves did fight bears alone.
