
The Sands Secrets



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
12-12-2021, 12:56 PM
Mac nodded as Misery explained that though he wasn’t quite sure of the sand’s mechanisms, he knew it was to their advantage combat-wise. It certainly was the perfect place to lure enemies; if they were unfamiliar with the terrain and came charging blindly, they’d find themselves in much the same position as the rabbit his older brother had tossed - and they’d end up no differently. Rabbit or wolf, the quicksand made no distinction. It just pulled the poor creatures into its mysterious, endless depths. Mac peered back at the seemingly unassuming terrain with a malevolent glint in his glowing eyes.

"Got it," He said in reply to his brother’s warning, bot to come here for a while without him. He wasn’t foolish, Misery knew that for certain. He trusted him enough not to play around here until he knew all the safest routes by heart. He’d take care to avoid and stick to the pack territories. The word for him, valuable, clutched to his chest like a gold medal. Misery thought him valuable, compared to all his littermates. That was something to be proud of.

Misery mentioned his absence soon for spying, and Mac’s ears perked and expression widened in childlike curiosity. Spying? Like on other packs? He had heard mention of Habari gathering information, but to know his older sibling was one of those on the front lines made him smile in fascination. When he asked Mac to gather information while he was gone, the boy would listen to what Misery wanted him to do. The speckled child took note to gather information on his siblings,older and younger. He would’ve hesitated, but then again, the information he’d get about them would essentially be common knowledge to any of his siblings, right? They were all family, after all, they’d have to know each others likes, dislikes, hobbies and whatnot eventually. The way Mac interpreted Misery’s words, he was just giving him information that wasn’t super secret. It was just facts that they’d know anyways.

He could play nice and make friends, of course. That wasn’t an issue. He was a;ready well on his way of doing so with nothing laced into it, except know there was the added layer of gathering information. Though, he’d let Misery know regardless. It wasn’t anything bad, right? Though he was curious to know why he’d need it.

"Okay, I can do that. It’s not anything bad, anyways. It’s just facts," He said, eyes plastered on his older brother. He’d be able to do it just fine. With a pause, the boy’s curiosity couldn’t resist him adding, "Is there a reason you want to know all about our siblings and everyone in the pack?" Misery knew everyone to some extent, didn’t he? Or did he want to know because he was usually off on his missions?

i’m evil to the core!—
what i shouldn’t do i will
they say i’m emotional—
what i want to save i’ll kill