
paging dr. house




Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-12-2021, 02:12 PM

It didn’t take long after Lae’s explanation that the male said he’d be right back with some lavender oil for the inflammation. It’d help with her pain, as well as help her smell nice. Lae’s eyes glimmered in curiosity, but she offered him the benefit of the doubt - not that she doubted his expertise thus far. For a grouch, he had a decent bedside manner and she trusted him. Mel watched along with the woman as the titan lumbered out the room, gathering something in what was presumably his bedroom not too far away. After a few minutes, the male padded back to her room, carrying in his jaws a bowl and a small vial of what was presumably the lavender oil. She only noticed then how massive he was, his sheer build and stature really did make her look like little more than a pup compared to him. Her helplessness with her paralysis did make her feel no more than that.

The male then asked Mel to help pour the vial’s contents into the bowl, just enough to fill the bottom. "Certainly, sir," He uttered, taking the vial into his semi-dextrous paws and opening the vial, pouring the soothingly-scented contents into the bowl until it was to the healer’s satisfaction. The badger offered the bowl back to the male so that it could be placed anywhere at his discretion. He had a way of doing things without waiting for much of a reply from the other, but Laeta didn’t mind his style. He was direct, and to the point, and she was fine with that. She found that sometimes the most giftedindividuals often had the least appealing personalities, and this healer was no exception. All of a sudden, the nebula-pelted giant awkwardly lumbered his way onto her bed with a grunt - thank the gods it was just big enough - and his sheer power forced Mel to hop of the bed and simply watch from above, his nervousness showing as he watched with beady eyes.

Laeta’s ruby eyes widened in surprise - not really because the healer had clambered onto her bed entirely, but that the frame itself didn’t give away with mostly his bulk. Impressive. She looked up at him the best she could, though her head couldn’t crane very far in an upwards direction due to her injury. She felt she should’ve been more worried, given that he was a strong, powerful individual and she was utterly powerless. Mel peered up nervously, but said nothing. He ruby eyes glanced up, wondering how he’d use the oil to begin with. If her old personality from before the ooze had stayed, normally she would’ve panicked. However, her eyes held nothing but a neutral calm.

When he said he’d need to position her on her belly for this treatment and mentioned it’d be easier for him to work with, she said, "If it’s easiest for you, then sure." She allowed him position her so that he’d be able to do the treatment. If he was a healer like he said, he’d handle her with respect and help her aching joints. Mel was there just to make sure everything was okay. After all, he wasn’t simply a meek caretaker, and those ruby claws weren’t just decoration. He was her bodyguard of sorts as well. Still, Laeta would allow this treatment. Anything for her fiery joints, it was excruciating to even be flipped over to avoid pressure sores.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.