
paging dr. house




Advanced Healer (90)

Advanced Fighter (70)

11 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
12-12-2021, 03:11 PM

The little badger handed him back the bowl, and sure enough it was filled just enough that the oil rolled easily over the bottom of the bowl when it moved. Taking the wooden bowl between his incisors again, he set it down near the fae's head. Less likely to be tipped over while he worked, as he didn't need to do anything to her head or neck. She quietly agreed to letting him reposition her on the bed, and so without further ado the cosmic giant scooped one massive forelimb under her hips and lifted them up towards his chest. Again. Long time since he'd had such a luxury, and here he was doing this purely on a professional basis. Shame. As her hindquarters lifted off of the bed, the soft creaking and cracking of her joints felt as though it were travelling straight up his forelimb and into his chest. If he hadn't known any better, he would have said she were a decrepit, elderly woman. Once her curled up hind limbs had straightened out under her hips, he gently set her rump back down on the bed. Now for the hard part. A few tiny steps forward framed his forelimbs on either side of her head, and he stooped so he could cradle her head and neck along the top of his forearm once he'd slid it along her ribs and under her armpit. From there, it was just a matter of keeping his leg level while he lifted it, so as not to cause unnecessary damage to the healing fracture while he repositioned her forelimbs. If he could have, he would have been sweating bullets at the thought of breaking her neck properly this time around.

Finally it was done, and her chin rested on the pillows again. He let out a harsh breath through his nose, and settled himself on his haunches just behind her rump. "You let me know if what I'm doing hurts too much, and I'll stop." the celestial brute grunted, reaching forward to dip one forepaw, and then the other, into the floral mixture by her head. Then he set to work, shoulders first. Slow, careful pressure in small circles. He kneaded his toes into the space between her angular shoulder blades, ivory tipped auds perked to the sounds of synovial fluid releasing its trapped gasses in a series of quiet cracks and pops. It was difficult to balance the force necessary to work the joints with the lightness needed to avoid entirely breaking the delicate bones of the tiny woman. The brute took breaks often, waiting for a complaint or a cry of pain. It would take a few minutes for the lavender oil to work its way into her skin, trickling down the strands of her fur to sink into her pores with a slight tingling sensation.

"You be sure to let me know if this helps, and I can return in a day or two to repeat this." the titan rumbled as he worked his way along her spine, closer to her hips. The ridges of her spine were certainly more pronounced than he would like, and the northerner in him felt the compulsion to mention that she ought to eat more. A little bit of fat would offer more cushion while she was stuck in bed, her joints wouldn't hurt so much. Then again, his mother's ghost would reign down the worst of beatings for commenting on a strange woman's weight. Instead he simply kneaded the thick pads of his forepaws, freshly dunked in oil, into the narrow space where her spine connected with her pelvis. Ah, there was a good, hearty crack. It would probably hurt for a few moments, and then settle into a more comfortable position as he moved away from that spot. "I don't think you would be needing this daily, but I imagine a few times a week may be beneficial. Numbing the pain only goes so far." he commented absently while he slid his paw down to the sharp point of her knee and pressed down. It gave a little, but there was a resistance in the joint that told him he needed to tilt it inward and then.. pop! The joint warmed beneath his digits as he soothed it for a few moments with a kneading motion.
