
taking steps is easy; standing still is hard

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
08-15-2013, 04:51 PM

It took all the energy he could muster to contain himself. As a yearling, it was not at all surprising that he had begun to notice just how tantalizing the female scent was, but a girl so young ... his tail curled itself carefully between his legs, tucked against his belly. The sneer lingered for perhaps a moment too long as he stared down the male that had approached them. He watched as Aegira questioned the male, calling him Detty -- he felt something akin to envy bubble up in his chest as the brute pulled Aegira forward. Her caretaker, eh? His scent was familiar too, and he watched him unblinkingly for a long moment, wondering... "Yes, Basilisk," he mumbled softly, his voice trailing off.

Then the realization hit him. These two smelled of the bitch who had killed his father -- and Aegira even bore her strange orange coloration. His instinct was to snarl and thrash about like a child, so full of hate and rage was he; but he was instead able to remain calm. His expression was serious, but not particularly threatening. He kept his distance from the duo, a plan formulating in his head. Basilisk hadn't the slightest clue that Deteste knew a thing about him. "Well then -- you better be leading her out of here. No place for children." He shook his head slowly. He was still very much a child himself, a mere yearling, and yet he looked as large as Deteste himself -- though his body was not riddled with a single scar or blemish. "And maybe you can show me out, too? I'm not totally sure how to find my way out..." Gaze lingered on Aegira, wondering why she seemed so unimpressed with his presence -- she was not exactly fearful, yet she looked so wary of him, and he couldn't pinpoint why... although it was rather obvious to an outsider looking in.