
We're goin on a rhino hunt



2 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverOverachieverHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Ooh La LaSnake EyesCritical Block!
By the skin of my teethThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-12-2021, 06:43 PM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2021, 06:45 PM by Takeshi. Edited 1 time in total.)
OOC I am setting a post by date for this: first round ends a week from now on the 23rd. If you don't post by then, you WILL be skipped. No posting order

Takeshi had gathered several wolves from both Ashen and the Armada for a hunt. It was easier now that his ability to speak was out in the open, so he could give instructions as needed much more efficiently. In the end, it was three Armada wolves; Magnus, Grimshaw and Kotori, and 3 Ashen wolves; Yaeume, Ike and himself. Honestly, he was a bit skeptical about having Magnus tag along, considering his lack of a limb and his frankly concerning baldness, but the man had insisted he wouldn’t hold them back so the Ashen prince relented. He’d instructed Yaeume and Grimshaw to pull two large sleds in addition to himself to transport the meat back to their packs when finished, where they would divide it up evenly. It was never too early to stock up for the coming seasons and in case of an emergency, that much was evident from the past few months.

They’d ventured several days south of their packlands into the south of Auster, where the massive prey animals they sought out resided. He’d made the decision that they would go after a Rhino. Though the animals had a thick outer hide, all of their attendees were quite massive themselves and hosted a variety of mutations that would aid in their endeavors. This, coupled with their companions, he expected to provide a fruitful hunt.

They arrived at the Dragon’s Blood Grove, his nose twitching as he scented a herd of Rhinos nearby. He shrugged out of the harness strapped around his chest and shoulders and gave himself a shake, the fur where the leather had been coated in a fine layer of sweat. He waited for Yaeume and Grimshow to drop theirs as well before turning in the direction of the herd. Despite his ability to speak, he frequently found himself reverting to his ingrained silent ways. He led them over a small crested hill, where they were able to overlook their prey. His glowing red gaze squinted, trying to single out the best choice for them, and after a few moments he spotted it. “There, in the back. There’s an old cow, probably doesn’t have much fight left in her. Ike, Kotori and Yaeume, you’re on herding duty because you’re the fastest. Magnus, Grimshaw and I will be on take down, though it’s going to take all of us to put it down most likely,” the boy said. It was surprising to see he was much like his father in his manners of speaking; short and to the point.

He turned, making his way to a good hiding place until the trio secured the separation.

[Image: takechibisig.png]