
Crocodile tears


High Councilor

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Expert Hunter (230)

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5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-12-2021, 07:48 PM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2021, 08:25 PM by Rudyard. Edited 1 time in total.)

If there had been a wolf Rudy hadn’t expected to see appear it was Fern.  He was studiously trying to decide how to fight the armored animal in front of him.  He was starting to think the best thing to do was just chase it away.  It would still be alive and could come back but it was hardly the only one that existed.  Hopefully, if they scared it enough then the menace wouldn’t return any time soon.

His brows raised up as Fern came up next to him.  He had admittedly hoped for someone who might tell him they’d fought crocodiles before but that wasn’t going to happen.  On the other hand, he’d been worrying about Fern and had wanted to seek her out.  His mind was warring with wanting to tell Fern how relieved he was to see her again and the need to focus on the problem at hand.

“Fern,” her name said in the same tome of a sincere ‘thanks’, a time where the message was conveyed in tone versus what was said.  Rudy smirked at her notion of adventure.  “I didn't know it would be you that was coming.  I’d find us something better than a crocodile for that.” The words are given as he kept an inner war up within himself on how to feel.  

When she set the topic to plan of attack Rudy could finally get both dealing with Fern and dealing with crocodile in one pattern of thought. “We’ll just chase it away.  Quite frankly I don’t think you and I can kill it.”  Art’s sword would be useful here, better for penetration and a bit more distance from those teeth.  To think some wolves laughed at him when he carried his sticks as a sword when a pup.  Art got the last laugh.

“I’ll go for his left side, you go for the left.  Watch out, all he needs is one bite to make sure you.  Aim for legs, and its side probably for the best.” Maybe an expert would have a different plan but Rudy had no desire to go for the head and the tail wouldn’t do any good either.

Rudy said that circling to its left, glancing up to make sure Fern was ready as well.  The crocodile had opened its mouth as Rudy neared it.  Rudy waited for another second, preparing himself before running at it, teeth snapping only to jump away when the crocodile’s head swung around with its huge teeth snapping back in return.  Rudy would wait for it to look away to go and attempt a snap for the legs.  This could only work as a team effort.

Rudyard Carpathius