
the king wants his gold



10 Years
Athena I
08-15-2013, 05:46 PM

The scent of strangers tore the druid's attention away from his task. He pulled his two-toned sapphire and gold gaze away from the patch of thyme he had found hiding in the shade of a tree, managing to escape some of the burning summer heat. "Who could that be?" he mused, glancing down at his little friend. The tiny fox peered up at him and shrugged. "A visitor maybe?" Cael returned her shrug before picking up the bundle of thyme he had picked and turned to trot toward the scent. He had only been a member of Valhalla for a short time, but he had already made his pack his home and was readily concerned for its welfare. If these visitors were trouble he wanted to be there to offer his help. While he may not be the best at the physical art at fighting, he was comfortable with his healing abilities and knew that with any fight injuries were bound to happen.

He moved along at an easy trot with Elva tagging along behind him and before long he arrived to see his father at the Valhalla borders along with Chrysanthe. He had yet to actually speak with his Alpha, but her scent was everywhere around the territory and he had heard her description from others. She was hard to mistake with her unique russet face. In front of the pair of Valhallan leaders was two wolves, one with Albino coloring and the other with a coat of ivory and gray. The albino brute had a circlet of some shiny material around his limb and the pair smelled of the north.

Cael came to a halt a few yards behind the Valhallan leaders, close enough to see what was going on and be there to offer his help if it was necessary. Elva ducked behind his forelimbs, peeking out around the ivory pillars curiously. He bent his head down to place the thyme in front of his companion, whispering, "Take these back to the den for me? And bring some lavender and comfrey with you. Find Imena to help you reach them if needed, alright?" The white and gray fox nodded eagerly and snatched up the herbs and took off toward the den as fast as her little legs would take her. He smiled and watched her go for a moment before turning his gaze back to the proceedings, watching in concerned silence.
