
wake me up

Talon I


4 Years
08-15-2013, 05:54 PM

He approached with little to no hesitance, beaming at Kangi as he watched her leap gracefully from the stone structure to rush toward him. His heart swelled, beating rapidly in his small chest, a mixture of both nervousness and excitement flooding his very being. Why he felt anxious suddenly, he was not entirely sure -- he always wondered if, when they were apart, she might grow sick of him and not want to see him again. He knew he could be shy, and didn't think he was the coolest wolf in the world -- but she still seemed to want to be around him, he noted quickly. Her face was void of anything but pure happiness and joy at seeing him again.

His own ears were perked, his jaws parting in a somewhat silly smile as he found it difficult to contain his own happiness upon seeing her. "I bet I missed you more!" He exclaimed, suddenly feeling very bad for having left without trying to tell her where he was going.
"I'm so sorry I left," he murmured softly, feeling heat rush to his face as she pressed her head into his chest and began to lather him in kisses. He was only beginning to get used to such affection from Euphrosyne, his caretaker -- he wondered if he was too old for such a thing, and remembered Kangi had been living on her on for along time -- but he felt so different when Kangi licked his face all over. It wasn't motherly, but... something else. He giggled softly, wondering if he would get used to such affection. As much as he enjoyed it, it might him feel bashful and unsure, but he stood before her and accepted it happily. All he could manage to do in return was press his nose into her cheek, before pulling back abruptly.

"I really missed you too. I'm so sorry I left... I don't know where my mom and sisters went, I think they left to live without me and ... I was so sad staying at home. I came with my friend up here. She's looking after me!" The prospect of his two best friends meeting was very exciting, and his tail began to wag dramatically behind him, his body moving with it, swaying back and forth.