
paging dr. house




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7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-13-2021, 11:22 PM

Truthfully, the only time she had been handled was by the other physicians or by Mel, whom had only flipped her (mind you, not literally flipping her haphazardly, but rather in painstaking increments until she was somewhat in a better position) to avoid pressure sores. The risk had been highlighted by the other healers that if she stayed in one position for a long enough time, her pelt could rot away to reveal bone. It was motivated by this fear that the badger had taken the time to handle her frame, but she had never been lifted up like this before. Ever.

The woman could help but be a bit surprised, her ruby eyes wide with moreso a sense of curiosity and surreal amazement than fear, as this gargantuan wolf manage to scoop her up and position her as if she was nothing more than a limp ragdoll. Though he was massive, she could feel his restraint due to his awareness of their size difference, careful not to break any bones or aggravate her neck injury in the process. She felt the popping and cracking in several joints on her weakened, atrophied frame, and she already felt the beginnings of some well overdue relief. The lavender oil had been positioned close to her head, alloqing its soothing scent to fill her nostrils. Well, this was..quite nice. She had never smelled foul in her life, but she couldn’t say she was fresh as a daisy, either. Laying in a bed all day did that to you.

The male asked to let him know if anything hurt, and the woman offered a slight but clear upward tilt of her chin in acknowledgement. The best nod she could muster. As he dipped his paws in the oil and began kneading, it felt as if the stress, fear, and worry of the past season, along with the pressure-filled soreness within her bones released with each pop and crackle from beneath the nebula-pelted wolf’s knuckles, and as he mentioned he could repeat this in a day or two, there wasn’t any protest from the woman - only a deep sigh in relief as the excruciating throbbing subsided significantly with each crack. "That would be nice, actually. This is the first time I’ve felt complete relief from the pain." Not that it would subside completely, but it certainly did help. Going down the spine and into her hips, she could feel the pressure lifting substantially, and it was clear what a difference his therapy made. Even the sharp pop of her hip joint was quickly filled with the sensation of relief. The oil slicked her fur, but unlike the ooze, this stuff had a pleasant and soothing association. Mel watched from the sidelines, murmuring to himself in his usual bouts of worry, but seemed nonetheless relieved that Lae was feeling better with this strange treatment. She couldn’t see his gaze, but she knew just by the way the pressure of his toes went over the heavily pronounced ridges of her spine that he was concerned about her weight. True, she had lost a massive amount, mostly due to the ooze. During her affliction with the illness, she had no appetite to speak of and had nearly wasted away to death. Now, feeling better after the sun had risen, her eating schedule was on the mend, too. Mel made sure of it - but it would take time. It seemed she lost weight much easier than she could gain it.

He went down to the knee joint and maneuvered it in just the right spots, kneading it as it popped and soon settled. His comment regarding that she’d need the treatment only a few times a week was reassuring. "It certainly helps," She murmured, clearly able to relax to a deeper level for the first time in..well, forever, it seemed. Even though the muscles that remained in tone beneath her neck were not in her control, they also seemed less tense due to the arthritic joint pain, and her entire skeleton seemed to be more flexible, as if a year or two was taken off. Better still, during the treatment, the woman felt her eyes slide closed a few times, as if the healer’s expert-like popping and kneading chased away the demons that seemed to hang about her head. It was clearly not only beneficial for her body, but for the relaxation of her mind as well. "I can’t thank you enough for doing this," she murmured, even offering a smile as her chin was still cupped on a pillow. Mel adjusted the monocle on his face, and though he still seemed a bit intimidated by the brute’s size, he squeaked, "Y-Yes, thank you ever so much, sir, for your services..I’ve never seen quite a treatment before." The entirety of the Hallows might not have even heard of this treatment, except maybe the other physicians.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.