
Let The Sun Touch My Face [AW]



Advanced Healer (70)

Advanced Fighter (70)

4 Years

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantIt's a Miracle
12-14-2021, 03:17 AM
The other wolf was silent for a short time, as if thinking deeply about her words, and all the while she stood there, gazing at the glowing fur with a look of pure admiration and fascination. Oh, she wanted to touch it so badly, wondering if the fur would feel warm under her paws, or if it was purely just for the eyes to look at. The wolf, a he as evident by the low rumble of his voice, finally spoke, and his words seemed genuine and even a bit amused.
"Then I can assume I'm only the second wolf to say the same?" Inoki was with a grin, coming closer to the boulder he lay upon. Her front legs lifted up to rest against the boulder so she was standing on her hind paws, looking up at the gargantuan-sized male. "That's a bit of a shame, more should speak the truth."
Now that she was closer, Inoki could see the longer than usual upper canines poking out from his lips, and let out a soft croon of delight. Was there nothing average about this wolf? How fascinating! The bird was all but unnoticed as she stared at the male, listening intently as he introduced himself. "Inoki Piere, no affiliation as of now." She was as alone as a lone wolf could be, but it didn't bother her all too much.
She then raised her right front paw, flexing the toes a little as she waved it closer to to him even though he was still far out of her reach. "May I touch your fur?" Inoki all but whispered, her tone almost reverent as she spoke. He was the most unique wolf she had ever seen, and she would not leave this encounter without doing her best to understand what made him so special, even if her requests were a little odd.