
Today Was A Fairytale



08-15-2013, 08:22 PM

She wished she could just wither away like a dying plant. To turn brown, bent and drooping till nothing was left. She just wanted to hide now and was almost ready to turn and race back toe den. But as Cael blocked her from his brother she was greatful and stayed in place. She had her face all creased up as she tried to focus and calm down. But there was no use. A plant could turn brown and only hope for water but was unable to get the life needing water. Cael?s tail was soothing, it made her release her breath that she had been holding. She could hear their conversation somewhere distant. Was her brother blind? Could he not sense the turmoil rolling off of her? Or was it simply he would ignore it for her benefit, leaving her the choice on whether to speak or it or not. Ears twitched at his comment on her name. Head lifted up slowly to have sky blue eyes peek over Cael?s back.

Blue eyes whose depths was like a blue storm, swirling and twisting with raw emotions. Could she trust him? Recently Cael did or he would have sent his brother off by now right? She studied him for a moment, he was handsome like his brother. But what was he like? She sighed softly, her heart ached so bad. What was it like to still be friends with your siblings? To know you could always trust them? Her body still gave small tremors as she moved out of hiding from behind Cael. Eyes fell down to the puddle she had been staring into. For a few heart beats she was somewhere else. Haunches sat down between the two of them. First her eyes sought Cael?s silently hoping he knew she would finally spill the beans so to say. ?Thank you Caerul?it is a pleasure to meet you. I wish it could have been on a better day. I?m trusting Cael that I can say whatever I would to him, to you as well??She said in a hoarse voice.

She took a deep shaking breath, eyes closing. Where should she start? The beginning? She supposed it would be best to tell it all from the start. Might as well tell it all right? ?I grew up in a pack where Healers were only a rank higher than the Omegas. I had no problem with that. This pack was very?strict on the strongest only survive. You show weakness of any kind and you were shunned from the pack. As I grew older..i fell in love. It was not to be allowed. For he was the heir. Only high ranking members could ever mate. He knew I adored pups, wished for my own. As his parents, the current alphas passed away he too their place. As you could guess, we could not be together. It was the law, disobey and get chased off. But I had not?expected him to do what he did?My sister, she was jealous of us. She had been the only one to know of our love. He?he took her as his mate. It destroyed me, to be tossed aside so easily. It time she bore his pups. Another hit, another part of me dying. As den mother, I had to help care for them. I would never ever hold the pups against what their parents did. He had told me..he did it for me. Gave me something I could not have. I know he was just making excuses. But I could not get mad at him. My sister?jealously ruled her life. She still saw me as a threat. When the pack went out to hunt, I stayed behind with the little whelps. A?a bear came. We had seen the bear often enough and had to always chase it off. So..I did what I had to. It seemed to take forever to get the bear away from the den.? She paused, bowing her head. Just retelling it made all the emotions feel like brand new. It was a long moment before she could find her voice to finish. ?She came when I was driving the bear away. Retraced her steps so as not to be detected. She..she killed every one of those pups. When I returned she had whipped up a story saying I did it. It did not help that blood from the bear tainted my teeth. They believed her, refused to scent what really had happened. They chased me out, cursed me. Called me a pup killer, cursed me to never ever join a pack again?.? She stopped. Tears silently fell down her muzzle. She shook as if a leaf in a winter breeze, barely hanging on.