
Finding A Friend



8 Years
08-15-2013, 08:46 PM

Sarak noticed the roll of her eyes at his words, and his brow points pulled together in a slight frown of dismay. She didn?t seem to believe him about Erani?s credibility, either. A soft hum of a disappointed whine whispered from his throat as Erani?s words as she arrived only seemed to make Azalea?s childish behavior worse. He stepped away from Azalea with a frown, as Erani gestured for Azalea to recline again. He sat well away from the two, ears back. The glare she?d given him still hurt for some reason. His tail wrapped tightly around his haunches, and at first he missed what Erani was saying. Horizons expanding? Discover what?

There was a scrambling from Azalea, and he glanced over to see a peculiar look on her face, and the bruised look in his eyes turned to confusion. Why did she look at him like that? Erani was taking her leave, and he glanced at the Lead Healer with a nod and a murmured ?thank you?? Azalea seemed to have finally regained her manners and was thanking her as well, and adding a hope that Erani?s den was dry. His ears dropped back at the smirk he caught on her face as she looked over at him, before her face went blank again.

She was suddenly taking her leave abruptly, and he blinked at her last words. Den? But she? ?Lies do not become you. Good day, Heir?? He turned and headed out, head low, ears drooping. All the confusion just made his head hurt worse and worse, and gave his chest a tangled feeling. So he took off at a quick trot, as far away from this spot as he could. Maybe his head would stop hurting if he had fresh, cool air and room to think.

-Exit Sarak-