
we're a strange herd



Advanced Intellectual (115)

Expert Healer (190)

7 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-14-2021, 07:08 PM

It was perfectly natural for the fathers to want to be there during the birth of their children, so as the two men settled in next to Rava she didn’t usher them away. Their presence also clearly helped take some of the stress off of Rava, which was the most important thing in any birth. Less stress meant safer delivery and less chance for any complications, both for the mother and the pups.

It wasn’t long after she gave the woman the energizing tea that her contractions began to ramp up, and Kiyo knew it was nearing time. She ground up the trillium and drizzled a little honey on it for the bitterness, placing it on a broad leaf and sliding it to Rava to lap up. Grinding it up allowed for the body to digest it quicker, meaning pain relief would come sooner rather than later, and any woman who had given birth knew that was the best thing. Quickly, it was time to push and the pale woman coaxed the red woman through it, offering Plague and Void reassuring smiles and glances as she checked to make sure everything was progressing as it should.

With a final push, a beautiful little girl entered the world.

Kiyo pulled the child from behind her mother, nipping the sack it came in and placing it on a warm, clean fur. She looked to Plague, motioning to the pup, “Come here, you’ll need to clean her. She’s perfectly healthy, she just needs a little help to clear her airways and get the mucus off. Rub her gently clean with the fur and lick the mucus from her mouth and nose, she’ll let you know when you’ve done it right. But her at Rava’s stomach when you’re done so she can eat,” she encouraged. Every parent wanted to be involved in the process, and it was a good way for the two males to begin their interactions with their little ones.

Another several minutes went by and a little boy graced them with his presence. He was clearly larger than his sister and his markings reminded her a bit of Shuriken, which made her smile even more. This pup she passed to Void, instructing him to do the same thing as she had told Plague. The woman turned back forward, consoling Rava and checking her pulse, making sure it was still strong and steady. A half an hour later, the final boy and girl were taking their first breaths in the world and being cleaned by their fathers. “You did a wonderful job, Rava. Congratulations on your sons and daughters. You as well, Plague and Void.” Birth was messy and often times stressful, but it was, in her opinion, the most fulfilling part of a healer’s job. To help bring new life into their world was the biggest blessing one could ask for.
