
Who's crazier? The fool or fool that listens...




Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Paleo species

Samhain 2022
12-14-2021, 10:57 PM

Anger flashed in his eyes as he looked up at the taller wolf. He had his fathers temper, and was yet to learn how to tame it. Seeing the older wolf smirk at him didn’t help. But the other wolf continued to speak, and Bas felt his nose crinkle up in confusion. What was a ‘snare’ anyway? The confusion gave a moment for the anger to drain away, and he tilted his head. He knew this wolf, right? It was one of his Uncles. He was pretty sure the man was, and that put him directly in front of him in the hierarchy.

He growled, some of that anger returning as the man called him a slacker. He was not, he wasn’t! He tried so hard to please his dad. Was he going to have to try just as hard to pleasure this barely-known relative?

The tawny wolf snarled at him, and the boy bristled, bringing himself upright. Letting his paws fall into the stance of a fighter. He might have been a baby, but Azure was a task-master. Even the young child had already had a couple lessons in fighting. That didn’t mean he was very good at it… but he wasn’t totally clueless. The tiny boy screwed up his little dark nose and growled at Kotori. Raising his paw, he mock swiped at the other wolf. He might be tiny, but by god, he was going to be mighty.


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