
Why do cats get 9 lives?


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5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-14-2021, 11:30 PM

The tiger’s attention suddenly went from Rudyard to Romulus as the wolf managed to attack the tiger’s back leg and the damage guaranteed the wolf's victory. There was no need to think on what to do as he saw the tiger falling. Rudy rushed in, still mindful of thrashing big paws as his teeth bit into the belly, a good bite and rip before darting away as two sets of legs were coming in his direction.  The tiger couldn’t seem to decide if it was struggling to try and get to its feet or just keep Rudyard away from its belly.

Rudyard looked at the damage done, the bite to the belly was true, there was blood leaking out but was it enough done?  Had he gotten into the organs?  Rudy crept back closer and the tiger froze, legs tucked in to protect the stomach but the big cat didn’t dare try to move his legs to get up without Rudy getting a chance to really open him up.  All he needed was a few seconds.  His gaze twitched from belly to tiger throat and smirked as the tiger roared in an attempt to be intimidating.  

Arrogance seeped out as Rudyard imagined the pain and fear the cat might be in and let out a sigh.  Yeah, no slow deaths.  They’d make sure it died cleanly instead of waiting days for death to come.  Rudyard glanced up to Romulus, a silent request for the wolf to distract the cat once more.  It was this or the throat and Rudyard would prefer just to finish off with the soft belly when it was so close.
