
Like a bad dream




Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Paleo species

Samhain 2022
12-15-2021, 12:49 AM

“Under.stood” He spat out between the flesh of the alligator. He took that to mean he was taking too long to neutralise the threat. His father expected better of him. Digging his teeth and claws into its back wasn’t doing enough, just making it squirm and twitch beneath him. He couldn’t reach anything vital from here, unless his plan was to bleed it out slowly, he needed to change tactics. He needed to be flexible, and think in battle. That was what his father was trying to teach him, right? His claws were dug in now more for grip than to hurt it. Trying to ride its thrashing body as it sought to dislodge both himself, and his father. His father, who had slapped a paw down across his snout. Capturing its attention, and keeping it forward-facing where his father could control its teeth. Making himself the bigger threat, instead of his son who scrambled about on the creature's back. He knew this was a fight with training wheels, and that meant he had to do exceptionally well. He had to prove he didn’t need help, no matter how little he was. Every moment he spent dragging this fight out, his father would be judging him.

Growling softly, he released one paw, and moved it forward, and began to crawl carefully up the alligators back. He needed to get towards that very head Azure was guarding for him. He could see the way his father had held his paw down on its snout, and how little the alligator seemed able to fight that weight.

He could work with that. With a cry, he released his grip on the alligator entirely, launching himself forward again. This time he landed up near its head, and its beady little eyes. Its brain had to be near the eyes, right? He bared his extra long teeth, and then sunk them into its eye socket. Going as deep as his teeth could. Holding on tightly with his forpaws, his hind saddled across its body like he was riding it. He ignored the gore, the taste of its eye in his mouth. He needed to get to the brain, he needed to prove himself to his father. His tooth his something flesh, and he felt the alligator give one great, final thrash, and fall still.

W/c: 1513


[Image: 2yUYF9E.png]
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